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Number of posts : 82848
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyTue Apr 08, 2014 7:41 pm

OMG!! I completely forgot GLEE was on tonight!!  I was so excited to watch The Voice and not have to tape The Originals because it is a rerun that I completely forgot GLEE was on!  I am still struggling with it being switched to Tuesday from Thursday.  Well, I am sure I can watch it on line.

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PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyTue Apr 08, 2014 8:26 pm

Awww, dang so sorry you missed it FC. hugging
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyTue Apr 08, 2014 11:49 pm

The show was wonderful tonight.

I love Kurt and Burt scenes. They're just the absolute best.

I also love Kurt solos. He kills it every single time. So awesome!

I think Rachel really mocked things up for herself. She's going to regret what she did at some point.

Sam is so clueless and ridiculous at times. He's almost like a caricature. He's certainly not as in tune to the world as the others but he's not totally out of the loop. It just takes him a little while to get the picture since his way about things is different. That's what makes you love him. I did LOL when he did the Matthew M impression. Too funny!

The beginning of the episode was so somber but so touching. It was beautiful. Kurt's face was too much. The emotion there was incredible.

Another beautiful scene was the one in the hospital with Blaine singing and then it being woven into his second chance performance. Gosh that tugged my heart so much. Tears.

The scene in the ally as Kurt tried to help the person getting hurt by standing up to the attackers gave me flashbacks to when Kurt dealt with David and stood up to him. Heartbreaking.

Again another really fantastic episode. I loved it.
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyWed Apr 09, 2014 2:56 am

Loved the show.

Did not like Mercedes friends. I felt bad for Sam. I am glad the Mercedes changed her mind and gave them a real chance

Rachel Rachel Rachel! if I were her dads I would be so ticked. I understand what she is saying but ugh a education is so important and she is letting her pride get in the way of understanding what all are really saying. All understand that she has this huge thing but what about after that??? She needs to think future and not just now. This is not real world so we will see if she gets back into college next season.

Kurt was great the whole show. Broke my heart seeing him hurt

Yay Burt was in the episode. loved seeing him with Kurt. He was so cute when watching Kurt sing. Him singing along to the song made me smile.

Blaine so loves Kurt and he really showed that when he was singing to him in the hospital. When he laid down next to him on the hospital bed it was just so sweet.

The beginning of the show was very touching as was the scene when Kurt and Blaine were standing at the shrine and Blaine lays his head on Kurts shoulder.

For nexts weeks show I think it firmly shows that they have burried the newbies cause it looks like artie may be hooking up with some chick and it sure wasn't Kitty since the gal had brown hair.

Shannon  praying shannonangel 
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyWed Apr 09, 2014 6:10 pm

Angel, when Blaine laid down next to Kurt in the hospital it gave me the sniffles. It was so sweet and such a tender moment. Blaine loves Kurt so much. It felt like my heart was going to leap out of my chest. I know the full version on iTunes isn't just Blaine singing but the whole group. Personally I love how they made that song just Blaine for the show. It gave it a different meaning.

Oh I loved it when Burt was singing along to Kurt's song at the end!!! He's so proud and indeed it made me smile too!

Rachel is definitely not looking at the whole picture. Sure she has the show now and her dream is coming true but it's like you said she has to think beyond that and consider all possibilities of might or might not come after. Plus who is to say it will work out for her? She desperately wanted into NYADA and now she's willing and thinks it's okay to give it up? Um NO!

Mercedes friends were definitely not very nice but Sam kind of shot himself in the foot. Poor thing doesn't know when to quit. I'm glad Mercedes saw beyond everything and was willing to give him a chance and I hope with this chance the writers actually allow them the time to grow and explore the relationship without mocking it up somehow.

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PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyWed Apr 09, 2014 10:13 pm

Quote :
How nice of producer, Ryan Murphy, to loan Glee star, Chris Colfer out to another TV comedy!

TV Line is reporting that Chris is set to guest star in the TV Land comedy, Hot In Cleveland. The actor will play Tony, the son of Wendie Malick’s fading actress, Victoria Chase.

Along with Malick, Valerie Bertinelli, Jane Leeves, and Betty White star in Hot in Cleveland. The comedy series, shot in front of a live audience at the CBS studios, centers on three entertainment vets who move to Cleveland from Los Angeles. White plays their caretaker.

Chris’s episode shoots next week. The guy has a lot on his plate. Not only is he starring in Glee, but the episode he wrote for the series, titled “Old Dog, New Tricks” has just begun production on the Paramount lot! That episode is set to air on May 6, one week before the Glee finale.

Chris Colfer + sassy ladies. This could be good.
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyWed Apr 09, 2014 11:08 pm

So stinkin' funny!!!!

Chord and Darren discuss this week's songs and the famed talented writer behind them.

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Number of posts : 82848
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyThu Apr 10, 2014 4:06 am

I used to watch that show, but I tired of it.  Actually I tired of Betty White.  But good for him anyway.

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PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyWed Apr 16, 2014 1:37 am

ugh forgot to post after the show was over.  Liked it but some things I didn't like.  I don't like how they have Artie being.  As Sam said its like I don't even know you.  Having him be sleeping around is just not cool and the not using condoms thing just no no no!!!

I am glad that Sam is giving Mercedes the space she needs and not going to push her into anything she is not ready for.

Poor Blaine and the freshman 15 in weight.  He is having probs for sure with his anxiety over things.

Kurt looking good!

To add in here Darren and Chris were amazing on Love Is a Battlefield. Love their version of it!!!

I know there is problems in relationships but I swear if Ryan Murphy tears Kurt and Blain up and doesn't have them end up together at the end of the last season I will be so upset  No  No  No  No  No  Don't pair up a couple who the fans love and adore and screw them up.  It is just not right.

I am glad Rachel has Mercedes there to talk to.  It was good she had her there to talk about Finn and how she is not ready to move on yet.

About next week.  Santana will be back, Tina, Will and Sue will be in it.  From the preview I am ticked cause they are having Sue there to wish Rachel to fail and she actually says that standing in Rachel's home.  I would be get the heck out of my home if you are going to be insulting.  I am sorry I dislike Sue and her verbal abuse was tiresome at the high school but to go into their apartment and do this is just hell to the no.  Ryan Murphy this is a stupid move for Sue to be there.

For next season:  The show will not be just New York, The newbies will actually be in episodes.  As Ryan said those people were important just as the originals.  he said they will be visited to see what they are up to.  Will and Sue will also be in next season.  Actually Ryan is saying all characters will be shown especially all originals.  He wants to bring final season full circle.

This Quote is from what Ryan was saying for next season: "and there’s a return of the Jay and Matt characters [Jayma Mays, Matt Morrison] in a big way. It’s a really interesting, very sweet, satisfying ending to the story'.  i am hoping it will be showing them with their child or children.  There is going to be a time jump for the last season so that is why I say children.  I hope to get a happy ending for these two that I love.

Shannon  praying  shannonangel
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyWed Apr 16, 2014 4:27 pm

I enjoyed the humor they brought to last night's show even as the subject matter was very serious and important to think about. I found myself laughing out loud a lot. Sam was so scandalized when he found out about Artie. They really breathed new life and dimensions to all the characters as they each showed a different side to themselves. I am truly loving this NYC arc and being able to concentrate on these characters exploring them and giving them depth. It makes it hard to miss everyone but I'm glad to know that everyone who is able and wants to will be returning for next season.

The consensus does seem to be that Kurt and Blaine will be broken up for a time once again after Ryan Murphy's interview yesterday. I hope if that's true it's done the right way with no cheating or anything of that sort being involved in the separation. I can see Blaine is having a lot of difficulty and it's naturally possible and understandable. That is what can and often does happen to couples in real life. I know they're going to end up together at the end. There's just no way they won't be together. As long as it doesn't hurt or break my heart into pieces I'll be okay. However, I am sad that Blaine is still keeping things to himself and not speaking up when he gets down on himself worrying about the relationship. He can't hold that stuff in. He has to be honest and talk about it. I realize that's going to take some major work and time to fully digest and learn. Poor Blainers though. I just wanted to hug him.

Kurt is looking mighty fine..............

When Rachel and Mercedes had their talk I was surprised Rachel brought up how at one point she thought something might happen between her and Sam. I was like, "OH WOW. So we weren't seeing things!" Great job producers! Thank you for not letting that bit slide and writing it off! I am also glad they continue to keep Finn's presence in the story and go there. At the same time though every time he's brought into the story my heart is going to be gutted. It's always going to be hard.

Oh Artie. That boy has hopefully learned his lesson. It's good to see him finding that confidence and belief in himself but he's definitely got to be careful and aware of what's out there. I have no doubt a lot of young guys out there have done what he did, which is scary to think about. Some don't learn that those actions have major consequences that early on like Artie did. It's too bad things went the way they did for him with the one girl as I really liked her but I could see from a mile away that wasn't going to end well.

I applaud Sam for making the very grown up decision he did. I hope he sticks to it and can see it through. I do think he really cares about Mercedes a lot. As much as the relationship between the two is a bit of a mixed bag and doesn't naturally blend as well or connect as strongly as some of the other couplings have, for most fans, I do want the producers to see this through. I do give Sam major points for the gorgeous candlelight setting he made for Mercedes.

I'm looking forward to the return of Tina, Will and Santana next week!
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptySat Apr 19, 2014 12:13 am

I can't get enough of this. Such an awesome performance.

Love is a Battlefield

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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyMon Apr 21, 2014 12:46 am

I listened to all of the songs for this week's new episode "Opening Night" and they're all great. Angel you're going to be thrilled Will has a song he duets with Sue on for this episode!
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyMon Apr 21, 2014 1:52 am

teddyhugz wrote:
I listened to all of the songs for this week's new episode "Opening Night" and they're all great. Angel you're going to be thrilled Will has a song he duets with Sue on for this episode!

What is the song? I hope it is a good one.

Shannon  praying shannonangel 
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyMon Apr 21, 2014 2:02 am

They're up on mjs. It's called NYC. It's from the Broadway version of Annie.
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PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyMon Apr 21, 2014 2:41 pm

Darren Criss stars as one half of the couple in the new A Great Big World music video for their latest single "Already Home".

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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyTue Apr 22, 2014 10:29 pm

There were some great things to tonight's show and some really bad stuff.

I will start with the bad stuff:  The good part that had Sue in it was the part she and Will sang at.  Matthew and Jane's voices were really fab together here.  After that song it was all down hill with the Sue story line.  I wanted to smack the witch as soon as she walked into the loft and was so rude to everybody.  How dare she do all that crud and to make things worse she walks out of the show right in front of Rachel and then she has the gall to go back to the loft and do the nasty all over Rachel and Kurt's loft.  Just rude, rude, rude!!!

Oh even though Jane sounded wonderful on the song that Rachel was singing,(Rachel's showstopper), she should not of been singing it. That should of been just Lea singing it. I just imagine if it would of just been Lea then we would of seen more emotional stuff in the performance and maybe some more flashbacks of Finn. Sue should not of been part of that.

Bad thing is they did not have Jayma on this episode so Emma could be shown holding the baby  No No No No   I so wished that would be the sweet moment for Emma and Will that Ryan spoke about but maybe it will be something else.

Great things: Rachel's show stopper and her being so emotional thinking of Finn that tears were streaming down her face.  Loved that they showed Finn I love you I love you 

Rachel going off on Sue was so good and so freaking deserved.  Some may feel Rachel was harsh but to me she was not harsh enough.  Sue was wrong wrong wrong in all ways when it came to her making herself comfy in an apartment she was not invited to stay in.

Greatest thing when Will looked so happy about being a daddy and when he said what the baby boys name was Daniel FINN Schuester.  I adore that they loved Finn so much that they gave their son his name as his middle name.  So touching.  Also it was nice seeing how happy the group was for Will and Emma!  We better get to see that child.

Oh I am guessing Will didn't take the glee club job for Vocal Adrenalin since he was still at McKinley.  remember they fast forward so it is supposed to be late December or January.

Shannon  praying shannonangel
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyWed Apr 23, 2014 4:12 am

I taped the show as I watched The Voice. I will get to watch Glee either tomorrow or Friday.

Jayma is starring in another TV show right now.  A new citcom that came on this season.  I watched it once.  So her scheduling could have been an issue for this episode.

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PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyWed Apr 23, 2014 7:50 am

Firecracker wrote:
I taped the show as I watched The Voice. I will get to watch Glee either tomorrow or Friday.

Jayma is starring in another TV show right now.  A new citcom that came on this season.  I watched it once.  So her scheduling could have been an issue for this episode.

I know Jayma is on The Millers but she has one more episode on Glee and I was hoping it would be the one for when she gave birth!

The guy that plays Kurt's dad is on another show two but they have no problem having him when they want him. It just would of been more special to have Emma on this episode and it would of been lovely and people would be happy instead of pissed and disgusted,(the Sue crud made me mad).

Shannon  praying shannonangel 
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyWed Apr 23, 2014 8:31 am

I understand what you are saying, but when this particular episode was filmed maybe she just could not get there for it?  shrugging   Or maybe the one she did film is even better than last night??   I love Jayma and wish she had been used more on GLEE they last few seasons.  She was a gem on the show.

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PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyThu Apr 24, 2014 12:08 am

I seriously could have done without all the Sue stuff last night. I feel like she ruined what could have been a great show. The parts without her certainly were GREAT don't get me wrong but all the crud with her simply put a damper on everything else. I think if she really had to be part of it, they could have done it differently and still kept in tune with how she's such a bully. I did cheer when Rachel really gave it to her after catching her with the guy she hooked up with in the loft. That was a very, very, VERY long time coming and I think Rachel could have laid it into her even more. Sue deserved it not only for how she's acted in the past but especially for all the major crap she did in this particular episode. She just totally sunk to a new low. For all the times we've gotten to see Sue's heart when she turns right back around to be the mean witch she usually is it completely ruins those good heart showing moments. Ugh.

Rachel was fantastic. I wish the second song she did from Funny Girl was only a solo for her and not a split scene duet of sorts that featured Sue. If it had been just her it really could have been expanded and turned into quite a special moment especially if it had included more flashbacks of Finn. I am so happy that it all went well and she earned raved reviews. It's what she has strived for, for her entire life and to see it happen was fantastic!

Daniel Finn Schuester. That name makes my heart sore with happiness and my heart weep at the same time. So very special and touching. So happy all the kids were so excited for the baby. Congrats to Will and Emma! Welcome to the world little Daniel. I understand Jayma's other show could have conflicted with this episode and that might have possibly been the reason they couldn't expand on the story to show her with the baby. I know she only has one episode left and supposedly it's going to a real "moment" but last night could have been an awesome "moment" too. I certainly would have rather had more to that storyline than all that was for Sue that's for dang sure.

Overall, an okay episode. It definitely left something to be desired.
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GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyThu Apr 24, 2014 4:12 am

The Sue stuff didn't really bother me.  Jane is awesome and I get they wanted to bring her into another episode and let's face it, Sue is going to be Sue.  Rachel got the chance to tell her off and it just didn't bother me.  I still enjoyed the episode and was glad it went the way it did.

The birth of the baby was at the very end of the episode and there is plenty of time to have that special moment with Emma and the baby when it can be a bigger part of the episode so no worries for me.

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PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyThu Apr 24, 2014 11:45 pm

Next weeks songs are already out. Love Rachel's take on "Wake Me Up" by Acivii! It's a really pretty rendition. I still prefer the original beat driven version though.

I also love the Kurt and Blaine duet.

The others I have to listen to more.
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PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyTue Apr 29, 2014 11:18 am


There's only room for one "Glee" diva, and apparently it's Lea Michele.

Naya Rivera has been fired from the FOX series days after an initial report of an on-set feud involving the actresses surfaced, sources close to production confirm to the Daily News.

Rumors of a rift between the actresses began to swirl earlier this month, with a "major altercation" coming to head on set April 15, Us Weekly reported.

But it appears Rivera's disagreement that day was with producers, and Michele's name was caught in the crossfire.

"She went off," a source told The News about the on-set spat. "But it had nothing to do with Lea."

It was reported that Rivera was "jealous" of the attention on her Broadway-trained costar. Now it appears producers have had it.

Rivera has been "written out" of the season 5 finale, and will not return for the next season, according to PopWrapped.

"One costar would not have any power in whether another returns to the show," the production insider told The News, dismissing rumors that Michele had a say in the matter.

Aside from "Glee," both women have endured hardships in their personal lives — with Michele, 27, recovering from the death of her boyfriend and fellow "Glee" actor Cory Monteith, and Rivera ending her engagement to rapper Big Sean earlier this mont

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PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyThu May 01, 2014 12:30 am

There was stuff on Facebook talking about this and it says reps for Naya are saying her firing is NOT true.

I am not going to believe anything till I hear it from Ryan and Naya.

Shannon  praying shannonangel 
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PostSubject: Re: GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV!   GLEE - SONG AND DANCE ON TV! - Page 26 EmptyThu May 01, 2014 12:40 am

All I can say is that it's a real huge bummer. There were rumblings before all this took place (whatever that involves anyway) that Naya wasn't planning on returning as a series regular in season 6. So things were already up in the air with her. Now it's just gone from bad to worse. I don't know what happened and I don't think we're really ever going to know the actual truth but I'm just sad about it. We don't have Cory Crying or Very sad. We don't really have Dianna. We don't really have Heather. (I know they can come back but I'm just saying they aren't a continuous story in the show anymore.) Now apparently no Naya? It stinks. It just really stinks.

So how about last night's episode???????????????
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