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 Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)

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Number of posts : 82967
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Registration date : 2008-08-09

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptySun Sep 28, 2008 6:28 pm

OK, I have decided that this awesome shows deserves it's own thread!

I finally got to watch last Tuesday's episode! OOOH the ending!!

I think we are waiting for Aerwin to see it right? I am dying to talk about it and get your ideas about what you think the ending was all about!

Oh, and could JJ BE any more sexy??!!

I really love the actor playing the wacky scientist! He is so good in that role.

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptySun Sep 28, 2008 8:58 pm

Who JJ? Is this the one with the British actor that is not speaking with his accent that we were talking about?
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Number of posts : 82967
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptySun Sep 28, 2008 9:06 pm

JJ = Joshua Jackson

Fringe is a new show on Fox. It is on Tuesday nights at 8:00 PM. It is very much "X-Files" like! Excellent cast and cool stories! I think the show's creator is the same as the creator of Lost.

Here, check it out!

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 6:37 am

horselaydee wrote:
Who JJ? Is this the one with the British actor that is not speaking with his accent that we were talking about?
Well John Noble plays Walter Bishop and he is Australian. HL Are you a Lord of The rings fan? He was all of those.
I finally watched it. I LOVE this show. I just Love Peter and walter. But man this was creepy. I can't figure Blair Brown's character out. It seems she is really pulling for Olivia but she is in big with Massive Dynamics. At least maybe MD is 100% , maybe 99%. They were tons of relgous overtones in this ep too.
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Number of posts : 19110
Registration date : 2008-08-09

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 6:41 am

I found myself cringing during the part of installing that 'head gear' on that young man..........just creepy. I LOVE this show! Has anyone any thoughts on just what MD's role here is all about? Blair Brown is perfect for the role she plays.
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Number of posts : 82967
Age : 69
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 6:53 am

I think Blair Brown is beyond perfect for her role!! She comes across so sinister, but we don't really know that for sure yet.

So they are bringing the dead agent back to life? Or is he a clone? What do you make of that scene? And are they bringing him back for good or evil??!

The only part of that episode that was a little hard to watch was pulling the device out of the palm of the hand. I swear I felt that! Other than that scene this was about the easiest episode for me to watch!

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 7:11 am

Oh I think Mark Valley is coming back for sure.Remember at the end of the first episode Nina sent the body back for reamimate him to interrogate him? Um , does Clay have Fringe on his ottoman? I have one of those. My husband and sone hate it, but I like and I am the ruler.
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Number of posts : 82967
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 7:41 am

HA! Clay has fringe on his ottoman and couches! It has been a joke around Clayboards for years! His mom decorates his homes and used a lot of fringe furniture. Fans thought it was not normal for a single man's home to have all this fringe - except now we know his mom knew him a little better than we did Laughing So yeah, the "fringe ottoman" kinda made it's way into some funny posts.

Now personally, I think his living room looks FAB! You can see all the "fringe" in the pix in the new People mag with him on the cover.

I knew Mark Valley was coming back, just not sure "how". Now that we know MD is involved I just wonder what the method and purpose is!

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 10:48 am

For anyone interested in catching up full episodes are here:
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 11:01 am

Firecracker wrote:
I think Blair Brown is beyond perfect for her role!! She comes across so sinister, but we don't really know that for sure yet.

So they are bringing the dead agent back to life? Or is he a clone? What do you make of that scene? And are they bringing him back for good or evil??!

The only part of that episode that was a little hard to watch was pulling the device out of the palm of the hand. I swear I felt that! Other than that scene this was about the easiest episode for me to watch!

When they were screwing that apparatus onto to his head, I was saying OMG, OMG!!

I thought they had the dead agent there to take info that his brain or eyes had images of.........
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Number of posts : 82967
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 11:15 am

That would make sense to me too, except that we have seen previews showing him alive and I knew that he is still listed as one of the main cast members on the on-line sites. So there is more to it then just gathering info from his brain. They probably shouldn't have shown preview clips of him alive - then it could have been more surprising when we saw him. Of course this way it does keep viewers watching in order to see how he comes back into the story.

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Number of posts : 82967
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 11:39 am

Quote :
Fittingly, Fox's 'Fringe' blurs boundaries of science
By Dan Vergano, USA TODAY

A transparent-flesh disease, LSD-augmented dream walks and a cow-equipped mad scientist's lab are part of the weird-science landscape of the new Fox drama Fringe.
So how good is the science?

"I watched the first 10 minutes of the pilot and was so grossed out I just couldn't watch anymore," says immunologist Gigi Kwik Gronvall of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Center for Biosecurity.

Even accounting for drama, infectious-disease experts say, the science in Fringe (Fox, Tuesday, 9 ET/PT) goes way off the rails, starting with the opening show, in which a mysterious disease turns a planeful of passengers into flesh-dripping skeletons in moments. "I read the show synopsis, too — yuck," Gronvall says by e-mail.

Fringe, as in "fringe science," revolves around FBI Special Agent Olivia Dunham (played by Australian actress Anna Torv); her mad-scientist helper, Dr. Walter Bishop (played by John Noble); and his Igor, er … moody son, Peter Bishop (played by Joshua Jackson), a genius/flim-flam artist. From a hidden batcave, er … Harvard lab, the crimefighters investigate gory incidents tied to the mysterious Massive Dynamic corporation.

"Bottom line, it's way out there," says Michael Bell, the Associate Director for Infection Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. "A lot of things in the show don't bear much relationship to science as we know it," such as:

•An LSD-trip treatment allows communication with an injured agent in a coma.

•Chemicals turn one victim's flesh transparent. "Really way out there," Bell says.

•A plague-infected airplane is burned as a disinfection move.

"We usually never burn planes whole," Bell says. "That might be the worst thing you could do. It might spread things."

"It wouldn't hurt to remind people that the poisons they should fear are usually under their sinks in cleaners," Bell adds. "Not spooky insane diseases."

Fringe also paints a not-too-flattering portrait of science as inhabited by lunatics and malevolent corporations, he says. "I would hate for people to panic over infectious diseases based on anything they learn from television," Bell says.

Sidney Perkowitz,a professor of physics at Emory University, also wishes the series relied a bit more on fact."Science fiction isn't supposed to be a science lecture but the balance doesn't have to be as lopsided as it is in Fringe."

"Plenty of real scientists have been inspired by watching science fiction as kids. I really don't want to meet the kid who dreams of growing up like Walter," says Perkowitz, author of Hollywood Science: Movies, Science, and the End of the World, via e-mail.

"We are playing with the very real, dual role that technology plays in our lives in Fringe, either as savior or destroyer," Abrams says. "If anyone felt the first episodes were way out there, wait until Tuesday night. They'll see some completely wild science."


Who needs real science when you have Joshua Jackson?

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Number of posts : 19110
Registration date : 2008-08-09

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 12:53 pm

They're missing the point.........this is TV. To go 'way out there' is entertaining. Yes, maybe to be more realistic would be better, but there are a lot of shows serving that area already.

Are they talking about THIS Tuesday's show? I can't wait.
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 1:13 pm

Oh I didn't think any of that science was remotely real. I do think they are going to bring back Mark Valley (John) whole, not a clone. I just keep thinking about the end of the first ep when Nina kept the body and I thought she would reanimate him somehow. That's what I am betting. Shades of Frankenstein. I can't wait for Tue.
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Number of posts : 82967
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 1:18 pm

I know! I agree! The more out there the better! Just not any gorier! That I won't be able to take. I brought it here because I find it interesting that they are taking this show this seriously AT ALL! Do they really think anybody watching is really thinking much of this stuff is even remotely possible? Did people react to the X-Files this way at first? Hey, I have seen medical shows with some completely totally off the wall situations (Meridith with her hand on a bomb inside a guys chest anyone??) and do people really think everything on this medical shows is totally believable? I don't really believe in Vampire Slayers either - but that didn't stop me from being glued to Buffy every week! Twisted Evil

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 2:23 pm

Wow! Some people must not have had creative and imaginative playtimes in their childhood! Maybe a marathon of Star Trek episodes or a viewing of "Frankenstein" would put this show in perspective for them. I love this show and it's a fun break from reality....and the economy. 👅
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Number of posts : 82967
Age : 69
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyMon Sep 29, 2008 2:47 pm

You aren't kidding!

I wouldn't care if the show was crap - as long as I can look at and listen to Joshua Jackson I am cool! The good thing is the show ROCKS!!!!!!!

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyTue Sep 30, 2008 6:10 am

YAY!! I'm glad Janice is watching too now. I can't remember if people took the X-Files seriously . But I guess it was more supernatural. I wonder though how much science fiction has came to be? I mean really when you were a kid did you ever dream of having a computer in your home? I remember reading sci- fi books about that and now here we are.
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Number of posts : 299
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyTue Sep 30, 2008 3:10 pm

I like fc's quote by Carl Sagan. So true. I remember Bill Gates saying not that long ago that they were working towards a computer in every home.

Frankenstein is a little "out there," but the concept of creating a body is in part current. Vital organs can be replaced and surgery to replace damaged parts such as joints and limbs is fairly commonplace now. Amazing, amazing advances!

Jules Verne is an example of one whose imagination was way before his time. I also like stories about time travel and the possibility of other forms of life in the universe and I think even before Star Trek and Star Wars there were numerous kid's programs on space travel. Maybe those discoveries will be made one day. I just hope we don't get to the point that a "HAL" (from Space Odyssey) becomes a reality. No
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyTue Sep 30, 2008 3:45 pm

I'm thinking I will watch Fringe tonight as DWTS is just the results show and I can flip during commercials.......... :)
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Number of posts : 82967
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyTue Sep 30, 2008 3:49 pm

I think I will watch Fringe and tape DWTS instead of the other way around. Too often I don't get to watch things I tape until the weekend and I don't want to wait that long with Fringe. I figure I can FW through DWTS and just watch any good parts.

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyTue Sep 30, 2008 4:04 pm

Well I will ATTEMPT to watch Fringe. At the very latest I will watch Wed. during the day so we can discuss.
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Number of posts : 82967
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyTue Sep 30, 2008 8:20 pm

Oh it was so good tonight! Lots of moments that I really like - all involving JJ of course! Don't miss the very end! Or the previews for 2 weeks from now!

So I must be stupid or something - what is going on next week that so many shows are not on? Most of the shows I watch won't be on next week - even shows on the CW. I wonder what is up. Does it have to do with baseball maybe?

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Number of posts : 19110
Registration date : 2008-08-09

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyTue Sep 30, 2008 11:09 pm

OMG! This show................... I can't describe it. If not for all of you, I probably wouldn't have started watching this one.........THANK YOU!!

Is this just the weirdest show you've ever seen? I love it. I found myself feeling pain along with them tonight........ Shocked I can't wait until everyone has watched it.
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) EmptyWed Oct 01, 2008 12:04 am

Ah, yes...weird alright and sooo good. It's space alien weird, as in mind-melding without even touching the other person. It has eclipsed Dr. Spock's special abilities. looks like they (whoever "they" are) may own the mad scientist's soul. Interesting.

Last edited by janice on Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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