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 Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)

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Number of posts : 83071
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2008 9:20 pm

GROSS! Tonight was gross!!! affraid But really good! But do you know what is really gross? No new Fringe for THREE STINKING WEEKS!!!!!!!! affraid affraid affraid

I think Olivia and Peter are falling for each other! Or, it could be wishful thinking on my part! Laughing

This is just such a good show! It really fills the void I felt when I lost The X-files. I hope Fringe has a nice long run like The X-Files did!

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Registration date : 2008-08-09

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyTue Oct 21, 2008 11:53 pm

Oh, the thermometer scene? Sent shivers all over me........... Did Walter have to pound it in? Shocked

The other scene where I was Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Peeking_smlvi-vi, was the rat.........just thinking about catching even a glimpse leaves me shivering...........god, I hate rats or mice.

And WHAT???????? No Fringe for 3 weeks??? WHY????
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Oct 22, 2008 6:58 am

I got home in time amd watched. ARGGHHHH!! Why is this not coming on for three freakin weeks! EEK this episode made me squirm. BUT The big thing , do you think Nina is Peter's mother?? What if she is? She said she spent a lot of time with walter when she was younger. And she knew all about Peter. Blair brown is so cool.
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Oct 22, 2008 7:06 am

Hmmmmmm.........I never thought about that possibility.
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Number of posts : 83071
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Oct 22, 2008 7:44 am

OH, now that would be something!!

All I know is at the end of last night's episode the voice over said that next week would be an "encore" presentation (a rerun) and in 3 weeks a new episode - and then showed previews of that new episode. I figured the reason for the rerun next week might be The World Series or something. Why they won't be on after that I just don't have a clue. But it is quite upsetting to think about no new Fringe for 3 weeks :(

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Number of posts : 83071
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyTue Nov 11, 2008 5:34 pm

YAY!! It is back tonight!! I think I will tape it though and watch it later tonight or in the morning. I really want to watch Benji on DWTS live!

This episode sounds like a good one!! Well, they all are!

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 6:18 am

Well of course I fell asleep. Will watch tonight.
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Number of posts : 83071
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 6:58 am

Oh goodness! Don't ever tell FOX that you always fall asleep during Fringe! I think they might take that as the show bores you Razz

I flipped back and forth during the commercials and the one thing I noticed about last night's Fringe during the little I saw was that JJ looked HOT!! Twisted Evil

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 7:00 am

During one of the crucial parts in the show, we had a public service warning come across the air and the audio was completely gone!! I'm not sure why they didn't just put the 'ticker tape' warning across the bottom of the screen. It was a warning of some rivers that are expected to flood because of our rainfall. Good show this week though.
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Number of posts : 83071
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 7:19 am

Oh, that totally sucks Sky :x I do hope that the flooding is not a problem for people though. It has been very rainy here also and is suppose to rain all the way through the weekend!

I will watch Fringe this morning before I begin my cleaning project.

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 7:42 am

This happens every year, at this time. It will affect people and their homes. We have so many rivers that are fed from snow in the mountains. When it rains heavy rains all day and night and the rivers and streams cannot handle all the water and run-off. Add wind to this heavy rainfall and the ground gets saturated which will cause large trees to be uprooted, causing power outages. So far, it's mainly north but we'll get our share as it moves in.
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Number of posts : 83071
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Registration date : 2008-08-09

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 12, 2008 9:26 am

Oh goodness! I hope it all goes well for you guys. You know how much flooding we have dealt with at our home. I know what a pain and heartbreak it can be for everyone.

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyMon Nov 17, 2008 2:34 pm

I finally watched last weeks episode over the weekend. Yikes that was good. But EWWW do you mean to tell me that dude had that parasite put in him to get info. I love JJ more each week. And Walter is beyond a trip. I loved his line about fruit cocktail.
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Number of posts : 83071
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyMon Nov 17, 2008 2:56 pm

Walter is a laugh riot! The actor should get an Emmy! JJ is beyond amazing - both physically and talent wise. I love the relationship between father and son!

Yes, it does look as if it was all done for information. I look forward to seeing where this storyline is heading!

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyMon Nov 17, 2008 3:11 pm

I wait anxiously every Tuesday for Fringe. That is also the day I can usually watch last weeks Dexter too, but online.
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyTue Nov 18, 2008 6:25 am

You guys keeping up with Fringe as closely as KTV correspondent, Marisa Roffman? My girl conference called it up with series star John Noble and was kind enough to share the highlights here. Enjoy...

Walter is certainly a unique character. How do you approach the part and how much fun is it to play?
It’s as much fun as it looks like. It’s an absolute hoot. It’s obviously got serious aspects to it, but I treat it as a hoot to play the thing. Preparation, well, that’s probably the hardest bit, getting the timing right and doing the preparation on the scientific work. But working on Fringe is a great job. I mean, it’s a great group of people to work with, and amazing scripts from the minds of J.J. Abrams and other people. They’re geniuses. Living inside their heads must be a very strange thing to do because they’re always coming up with something different. Overall, fantastic experience.

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Cast_fringe As a cast member, do you find it sort of challenging to follow all the twists and turns?
Yes [laughs], absolutely. But I could also say that, as an audience member, I enjoy reading and watching things that make me concentrate and, you know, that’s what Fringe does. I watched an episode [last] Tuesday night, and I was in it, but there were things I missed, and I said, what was that? What did they say there? It’s fascinating to be watching something that does require concentration.

Do you have a head for science? Do you have an aptitude for even fundamental science?
Yes, I do, but more on a theoretical level than a practical level. One of my best friends -- a fellow who I shared a house with for many years and we were at the university together -- he’s a brilliant scientist. He’s also quite mad. But we would talk -- my thought was the art, his was the science -- and we could talk for hours. We found common ground in the theory. But put me in a lab with a whole lot of instruments and I may not do so well.

It’s been said that the line between genius and mad man is very thin, and Walter definitely walks on both sides of that line. Do you find this friend of yours as inspiration for that?
Yes, I certainly do. He’s an extraordinary man, and he’s always ridden on the edge of the scientific community because he’s just absolutely no good at politics. But he’s a genius. Whatever he did, he did with absolute passion and focus. [Whether] we were out drinking and partying, or if he was playing tennis or football, or going after a girl, it was with complete and utter focus. And that’s one of the aspects that Walter has as well. [And though my friend] was a lovely man, he’d also fight people. I mean, at a turn of a hat, he would fight people, he was a fascinating guy. I’ve based a lot of this on him.

Walter certainly has his light side, but he can also be very dark and almost scary, which we learned when it was revealed that he drugged Peter as a child. How do you balance such opposing traits in one character?
I guess [a darks side] exists in all of us. But with Walter -- because of who he is, how bright he is and how disturbed he is -- it just sort of surfaces a bit more often and a bit more radically than it does in most of us. I don’t find it that hard to find. I mean, taking each moment when I’m doing a scene, I [think about] what he’s gone through at that point, and sometimes those reactions just come out, to be honest with you... out of the character’s frustration or out of his greater purpose, out of his madness. But it’s certainly interesting to play, and it shocks the people I’m playing with at times. You see these shocked reactions from the other actors, but that all makes [for] some good fun too.

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Joshuajackson How important is the father/son relationship between Walter and Peter, and do you expect the dynamic between them to shift or change in any major way? Could Walter ever become a bit more normal?

From my point of view -- and I think Josh Jackson will back this up -- the thing that has held our interest most so far has been that relationship. And, as actors, we’ve probably talked more about that, Josh and I, than about anything else. We understood from the very beginning how complex these things are between men -- I mean, I am a father of a son, and fortunately I have a very good relationship with him -- But it was something that touched us and interested us both. We just kind of feel that it’s special to do that sort of thing and feel a bit of responsibility to try and get it as right as possible. Judging by the feedback we’re getting, it’s working and it’s resonating with a whole lot of people. And we’ll continue to do that. It’s not going to turn into any sort of soft, “Oh, I understand, and now I know I love you” time, and walk away into the sunset. But they’ll continue to grow. The depth of their relationship will continue to grow. There’s no question about that.

Do you think, in Peter’s mind, there might have ever been a competition between him and his father’s experiments to see who got Walter’s attention?

Given a task, Walter is incredibly focused, and other things become secondary. And a lot of people in our society are workaholics and find it difficult to split their time between their work and their families, but this is an extreme case of that. When he’s on his science, he really doesn’t have time for this squawking child next to him or for the wife.

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Jasikanicole What about Walter's relationship with Olivia and Astrid? As he's growing closer to Peter, he seems to be growing closer to these two women as well.
Yes. It’s been one of the things that has had to come slowly. We have a man who... I don’t think he would have ever been particularly good with women, you know? I think he would have been a pretty horrible husband, not because he’s a bad man, simply because he wouldn’t have thought to be nice. Then he comes out, and he’s confronted with these two girls, and he doesn’t know how to talk to girls, so it’s taken time to learn. He still can’t remember Astrid’s name, which I have to say, one of the great joys is working with Jasika [Nicole] on that whole name business. She is such a funny girl. I can’t wait to see what [the writers] come up with for her eventually, because she’s a very, very funny woman. And the [relationship] with Olivia is fascinating because that’s far deeper. My sense is that Walter starts to feel almost paternal towards her. But obviously you can’t go into that path, and just on occasions I can see that Olivia wants to ask Walter something, but then she’ll back away. Somewhere down the track, I think that there will be a coming together of those two. I don’t know this for a fact, but I just feel it’s inevitable. I think it’s something that Walter and Olivia will need to do.

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Blairbrown_2 Do you think we'll ever see any scenes between you and Blair Brown?
Absolutely has to be. I mean, apart from the fact that Blair and I want to work together. That’s just a personal thing. But she’s already been interviewed and said, “Yes, Walter and Nina used to be together.” She’s invented this whole scenario. The first time I ever met the woman, we did a read through and she said, “Well, down the track, I can see that we’ll finish up having a big go of it.” She’s a very funny woman. That’s the theory, that somewhere down the line, maybe they were even together, which is absolutely feasible. And it’ll be, I’m sure, a very interesting challenge working with Blair Brown. She’s a smashing actress.

Speaking of theories,
how much thought have you given to the whole idea of “The Pattern” and what “The Pattern” is?
We don’t know. I don’t know what The Pattern is. Walter doesn’t [know], and that kind of works for me. I don’t particularly want to know what’s going on in terms of the writers’ minds. A little bit is revealed, and these writers have a plan that could last one, two, three years, or however long it lasts, and they will bring that all to a conclusion at the right time. We can’t reveal everything now because where do you go then? So there’s a long way to go.

Well, Walter is obviously very grounded in the mythology between William Bell and Massive Dynamic. Will we see more of that play out in upcoming episodes?

There’s going to be a growth in that in the mythology. It’s not going to be laid all out for everyone to find in one episode. Of course, J.J. won’t do that. And in fact, one of the things that [the writers] also do is they keep the process pretty organic, and as things happen in their mind, the characters will evolve. They keep [the script] open to evolving as they go along. We’re constantly getting rewrites. Sometimes just before we go on set, we’ll get a rewrite because they’ll have a better idea on what line to say there. I personally love working that way.

In the upcoming episodes, what are some of the great Walter moments we’ll have to look forward to?
There are always two things: There are the sort of bleak and dark moments that you see sometimes and there’s also the comedic... well, what play as comedic moments. We’ve just finished off the final episode that will be going on in December and there are a lot of Walter moments just [with] him being inappropriate really. And [in tonight]'s episode, we see Walter from a different angle, very vulnerable. He goes back into the asylum, and we see the very, very fearful man return for a while... although he does have some wonderful moments early in the episode. But when he goes back inside, he turns back into this incredibly fearful, stuttering fellow who we saw when we first met him. It’s a very interesting journey that we see Walter go through.

And in the lab?
You know, he solves these extraordinary things either because he had done them in the past or because he simply has the intellect to think now. We’re getting more episodes where Walter hasn’t done [the] experiment [before], but he has the mind to be able to see a way through it. That’s the sort of thrust of things you will expect to see in the future.

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Annatorv_2What do you look forward to?
Deepening of the relationship with [Peter], of course. There’ll be a lot more of this. As you go through, you know, this season and the next seasons after that, you’ll see the ensemble of actors interact a lot more than maybe we’ve seen at present. The relationships with the Olivia character will become more like relationships do when people know each other for a while and start to kind of have an investment and care for each other. We certainly will see that in the first episode coming back next year where we all bond together to support Olivia, and she for us. So that’s the kind of thing you can look forward to.

What have been some of your favorite scenes or moments thus far in the series that we’ve already seen?

Well, anything to do with the cow. I mean, I adore working with the cow. The cow makes me laugh. I don’t know why. Everyone gets all sort of gooey and funny when the cow comes in. And then, of course, I got to milk the cow and [the producers] rang up and said, “Do you need some coaching to milk a cow?” And I said, “Certainly not." I could milk a cow. I’m a country boy, so that was great fun milking the cow. In the pilot, when we’re eating Chinese, watching Sponge Bob and that cow was on our necks, myself and Jasika, that was the funniest thing because it was nuzzling up against us trying to get the Chinese food. It would stay until I gave it some, but it was just the funniest night doing that scene [at] about 4:00 in the morning.

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Lancereddick And one of my favorite games at present is to try and make Broyles laugh because Lance Reddick plays [the character] to a tee. So I go out of my way whenever I have a scene [with him] to try and make him laugh. Of course, as actors, we have great fun with this because, in rehearsals, I succeed. But as soon as the cameras roll, there’s no way. It’s going to be absolute headlines across the nation one day: “Broyles Smiles”!
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Number of posts : 83071
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyTue Nov 18, 2008 7:21 am

Thanks! That was an awesome read!! Love him!!

One of the entertainment shows (I think E! News) is going to be on the set of Fringe and interview the stars. I am going to have to find the details on that and bring it here so we can watch!

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyTue Nov 18, 2008 7:25 am

OH Cool ! Please bring it. We don't get E channel.
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Number of posts : 83071
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyTue Nov 18, 2008 8:18 am

I have checked both sites and I cannot find any info on it! I really think it is E!News because I watched that last night. I missed most of ET - but did see some of it. Just not sure which show promo'ed Fringe. I will keep checking.

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyTue Nov 18, 2008 5:27 pm

OK, it is on E!News

They talk to JJ (who is totally adorable) and one other cast member - who they ask about JJ! He is described as a Sour-Patch Kid! Very sweet and very sarcastically funny. Why does that NOT surprise me? Laughing

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 19, 2008 8:56 am

Lat night's episode was great! It was the Walter hour. I love the interaction between Walter and Peter. But at the end when the dude put that apple in the safe and pulled out an apple was the point that he could put his hand through a solid object? I watched it again and that is all I can figure.
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Number of posts : 83071
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 19, 2008 9:49 am

I couldn't figure that one out either :scratch: I thought maybe the apple was bigger?? Could be what you said. Also, I couldn't figure out if that was the same guy that had the parasite in him. He looked sorta the same.

It is great fun watching Walter and Peter together! I love how Peter is protective of Walter.

JJ made People's sexiest men list and mag!! But of course!!

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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 19, 2008 9:51 am

Quote :
Also, I couldn't figure out if that was the same guy that had the parasite in him. He looked sorta the same.

Quote :
YEP it is the same guy. I went back and watched and yes it is.
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 19, 2008 10:13 am

I hadn't even caught the 'parasite' guy! The apple thing, I thought maybe he thought about an apple and then made it happen.

JJ so deserves being on the sexiest man list!

Next weeks show looks freaking good!
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Number of posts : 83071
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Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!)   Fringe (not the kind on Clay's ottoman!) - Page 3 EmptyWed Nov 19, 2008 11:43 am

Thanks for verifying that it was the same guy. I was pretty sure it was.

I know I watched him put the apple in. I just couldn't figure out what happened to the apple.

Yes, next week's episode looks awesome!

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