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Number of posts : 83063
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 5:25 am

Who is Senor? :scratch: Working the children's hour will be fun!

I was never a big fan of the circus of clowns either. Just not my thing. I love the animals though!

So cool HL that your friend got to go to Africa!

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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 5:57 am

My tortoise!
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Number of posts : 83063
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 7:16 am

Oh how cool!!!

The kids will love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tell us how it all went when you get home!

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Location : Riding through the Washington sagebrush
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 8:03 am

Sky wrote:
Quote :
It's Ringley Bros. Circus. I would love to see animals in their natural habitat but being charged in a jeep sounds scary!
I know, I would have had an accident if that had happpened to me! affraid
Circuses can be creepy, and I wonder how the animals are treated, but I do think kids love them and it exposes them to how wonderful animals are.
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Number of posts : 19110
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 8:14 am

Kids do love the circus. I think I have been to one and it was really fun.

I'm not so sure the animals are always treated well. I don't even want to think how they are treated if they don't perform as expected.
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Number of posts : 1200
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 12:25 pm

All the kids loved him of course. They asked me one million questions. A liitle boy told me his cat had bad karma so he was run over. He said he was a very naughty cat.
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Number of posts : 83063
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 1:06 pm

HA!! Too funny what the little boy said! Not funny for the cat though No

I knew the big turtle would be a huge hit!!

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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 5:50 pm

On the thing of circus's - I can't say I do agree with them at all.Trouble is, the animals can't be released into the wild again, so therefore have to rely on wildlife parks to house them if made "redundant".Maybe it's something that should be monitored far more than it is, not so much in the US or the UK, but some of the countries that give the caged animals no freedom at all?

Back to the elephants...& especially the rogue ones...I saw a series of programmes a while ago....something like "Elephants gone bad"...& "Dolphins gone bad" etc...I remember that with the male elephants they go into a state called Musth, get all sweaty on the side of the head (supposed to be a sign)...& their temper will go up by over 50% to normal.Oh & as for the was a "pack" of males who bullied & hunted a female...& "raped" in her turn!

Ummmmmmmmmmm...there wasn't a Tortoises gone bad episode though - so handsome Senor is one of the good guys :D
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Number of posts : 83063
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Location : Land of Lincoln
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 5:58 pm

OMG!! About the last thing I ever wanted to know was that female dolphins get raped!!!!!!!!!!! zoom

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Number of posts : 19110
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyThu Sep 03, 2009 7:33 pm

Adrift, you bring us the bestest info!! I never would have thought a Dolphin could be raped.............. Shocked

I read a book, I think called "Water for Elephants" or something like was quite good but sad too. Another great but sad book was one about Giraffes. I'll have to go downstairs and find them to get the correct titles!
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyMon Sep 07, 2009 1:39 pm

Damn, after seeing this vid of a commercial ad for Guitar Hero 5............I'm ready to jump again............
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyMon Sep 07, 2009 2:02 pm



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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyThu Sep 10, 2009 4:14 pm

Sky wrote:

Damn, after seeing this vid of a commercial ad for Guitar Hero 5............I'm ready to jump again............

YOU ARE MAD!!!!!!!! lol! (lovely....but still MAD!!!!!)
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Number of posts : 922
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyFri Sep 11, 2009 5:30 pm

Going back to the circus thing...ironically the day after I said " Maybe it's something that should be monitored far more than it is, not so much in the US or the UK, but some of the countries that give the caged animals no freedom at all?"
I was sent a petition link on Facebook & a link to this website.
It is made by PETA, who yes, can be extreme, & truthfully I couldn't watch the 3 videos in full.

I swear, the older I get & see what "humans" are capable of....the more I love "dumb savage" animals!!
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Number of posts : 83063
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyFri Sep 11, 2009 6:45 pm

I can't watch it based on the title "beats animals" No

My guess is it would be very upsetting :(


PISSER!!! pullhair

Looking on line right now for new fridges!!! UGH! We bleed $$ here!

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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyFri Sep 11, 2009 8:43 pm

Just ordered a beautiful new fridge! Will be delivered on Weds. That part sucks - but we have all of or frozen food in the basement freezer and crammed all our other foods in my MIL's fridge in the in-law apartment. I warned our boys not to take their friends over there in the middle of the night for a late night snack!

They do cook at like 1:00 or 2:00 AM! The other night I woke up at 2:30 AM to the smell of Mexican food being made on the cooktop! I was tempted to get up and join them all!! lol!

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Number of posts : 19110
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyFri Sep 11, 2009 11:06 pm

OMG! Tell us what's new! Icon_evil I did watch that video, I wasn't going to, but I did. It almost made me sick. And people wonder why circus animals sometimes turn on their trainers....I'd say, maybe the animals should teach the trainers a few things. Dispicable training and animals such as any wild animal belong in their natural habitat. My heart 'bleeds' for those elephants, just thinking those quite possibly were the same magnificent elephants I just saw walking down my local streets.
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptyFri Sep 11, 2009 11:07 pm never rains but it pours..........

What kind of fridge did you decide on?
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptySat Sep 12, 2009 7:05 am

See, that is why I couldn't watch :( I couldn't bear to have images of animals being beaten in my head No

Sky - you can check out the fridge here (be sure to click on ZOOM and check out the inside! It is pretty cool!!)

FC's new fridge

BTW - we love getting our appliances from Home Depot because not only is it free shipping, but they haul away your old appliance AND they hook everything up for you and check to make sure everything works properly before they leave!

We just got our new washer from them last month! They are just great!

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Number of posts : 19110
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptySat Sep 12, 2009 8:49 am

I never would have thought to order an appliance online. I've always wanted to 'see' them first. Nice fridge!! Not that I'd want the expense, but I wish my fridge would break, I'd love a new one, but I want the freezer on the bottom model.
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptySat Sep 12, 2009 8:55 am

I LOVE the side by sides because I love having the water/ice maker thingy on the door! My fave thing about fridges!! Loved that since I was a little girl and my aunt got one :D

We have a huge freezer downstairs in the basement. It is the size of a big fridge and looks just like a fridge. So the upstairs freezer attached to the fridge pretty much just has what we plan to use very soon.

Somethings I want to see in person - but we got the washer this way too. It's pretty easy to tell what they are like and I have seen so many appliances at stores. When we built the house and picked them all out we looked at so many!

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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptySat Sep 12, 2009 12:14 pm

Eric's new car

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My babies babies!
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Number of posts : 2475
Location : Riding through the Washington sagebrush
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 10:06 am

Eric's new ride is nice! I can see why he liked it. Hope it works out great for him! Does it have airbags?

Oy, I don't even want to hear about cruelty to animals or people for that matter Tell us what's new! Icon_evil ... It makes me sick just thinking about it.

Did you get your new fridge yet? I wonder where it gets shipped from. Is it a lot cheaper to buy appliances this way?
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Number of posts : 83063
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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 10:17 am

Thanks! I will tell Eric you like it. Gosh - I don't know about the airbags! I will need to ask. I know Justin's does.

Our new fridge will be delivered on Weds. Can't wait! What a pain it is to be without a fridge Evil or Very Mad

I don't think it is cheaper. The good thing about Home Depot is the free shipping and they hook it all up for you and haul away the old one at no cost.

The on-line shopping is easy because you can check out every store that sells them. Compare the prices and compare what all they offer to do for you.

When they installed our new washer - they didn't leave until they check every cycle. Made sure the hot and cold worked. They clean any mess! Just awesome!

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PostSubject: Re: Tell us what's new!   Tell us what's new! EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 12:22 pm

That's a nice car! He must be thrilled with it!

Family dinner here today, the weather is beautiful! Sis and hubby leave Friday. I must say I kind of look forward to having MY time back again.
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