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Number of posts : 82848
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 4:17 am

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Graphics-monday-903346

Hello and good morning!

What a horrible Monday!!  It is cold, raining and SUPER windy!!  We have snow predicted for this afternoon!!!  Up to an inch!!!  WTF???? 

Justin is supposed to leave at about 1:15 to have lunch out with my mom.  Sure wish they were going to have nice weather for it.  To think it was 80 and sunny here two days ago!!!  It will be low 40s for a high today. 

Teddy, good to know meds will help.  Did they say what causes the seizures?  It's a good thing it is finally getting taken care of. 

AIH, HAPPY PASSOVER!  I hope you do visit during the day since we have birthday girls today!!

I hope everyone has a great day and better weather than we are having!!


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Number of posts : 42422
Location : Ontario, Canada
Registration date : 2009-06-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 5:56 am

Oh we're getting it here tonight and tomorrow! Blech............

Happy Passover AIH.  I love you 

I get my car today!!!  cheers 

Off to work I go. At least it's a short week!

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Number of posts : 82848
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 5:57 am

YAY on the new car!!

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Number of posts : 82848
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 6:14 am

A good read with good info on cat seizures!  Must read if you have cats!

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Number of posts : 21954
Age : 64
Registration date : 2013-04-08

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 10:03 am

Happy Passover AIH.

 throwconfetti Canear and your new car.

Teddy how is Cupcake today.

FC great information on seizures and cats.

Have a great day all.
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Number of posts : 42422
Location : Ontario, Canada
Registration date : 2009-06-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 5:54 pm

My nice, shiny, new car is parked out front.   cheers   I love the smell of a new car!  Now if only the snow they are predicting bypasses us so the snow doesn't mess up the car!!!
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Number of posts : 39885
Age : 40
Location : Los Angeles
Registration date : 2009-05-31

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 5:57 pm

YAY canear!!!!!!!!! So glad you have your new car!!  throwconfetti 

Check your PM's please!

Cupcake is doing well Hathor. She had her first pill this morning. She does seem more like herself now. We just have to take it day by day and keep a close eye on her.
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Number of posts : 82848
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 5:59 pm

Want pix!!!

Well, you better hope you don't get the meess we have right now!!  It started snowing a few hours ago and it actually has accumulated!  It;s blowing sideways too it is so windy!  Lots of slush.  So you better get a raincoat on it and a lift to work tomorrow!  Laughing

So glad Cupcake started her meds!!  cheers 

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Number of posts : 21954
Age : 64
Registration date : 2013-04-08

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 6:12 pm

Canear picture please.

It was 78 degrees today but so windy.

Snow predicted tomorrow. All the little croakers (frogs) are out and so LOUD.

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Number of posts : 42422
Location : Ontario, Canada
Registration date : 2009-06-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 6:21 pm

I'll see if I can get someone at work to take one for me tomorrow and post it on facebook for me since I haven't learned that skill yet! If I can get it on facebook I can bring it over here.
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Number of posts : 13421
Age : 65
Location : Western Canada
Registration date : 2013-04-24

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyMon Apr 14, 2014 8:24 pm

AIH Happy Passover!!! We didn't get in any stock of Passover cards. Very odd as we always get all the Christian and Jewish holiday card. Even the Easter was scant as no cards for Aunt's, Uncles or Nieces. I had two customers ask for Passover cards yesterday and this morning. I hate turning people away.

It was nice sunny day but now a big wind storm is blowing everything around but still sunny. Supposed to get rain tomorrow.
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Number of posts : 39885
Age : 40
Location : Los Angeles
Registration date : 2009-05-31

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 12:25 am

I'm carefully and intently watching the sky tonight to see the Lunar Eclipse. The moon is very bright this evening. So bright I can only look at it for a little while before my eyes start bothering me. I can see the moon slowly going dark bit by bit. It's so darn cool! I don't know how long I'm going to stay up for but hopefully just enough to see it go red!
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Number of posts : 82848
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 4:21 am

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 174057d1366717652-pampered-ladies-package-train-happy-tuesday

Good morning ladies and Happy Tax Day!   Evil or Very Mad   We have to send the government $2,200!  Guess we made too much money this year   Rolling Eyes   Good old Illinois and it's highest in the nation income taxes!  Thank you dems for the endless raising of taxes here  smack 

Middle of April and we have snow on the ground!   cold   Only about 41 or so today.  No more snow predicted though! 

No way we would have seen the moon with the clouds and snow.  Hope there are some good pix out there of it!  Bet it was cool!

Hope everyone has an awesome day! 


ETA:  New white leather COACH bag is out for delivery!!   bounce

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Number of posts : 21954
Age : 64
Registration date : 2013-04-08

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 8:10 am

FC, it was supposed to be cold here but as on now it is cloudy, sprinkling on and off and 67 degrees.

I'll take it.

I was so exhausted from packing and 5 loads of laundry at the kids, I told my fam they were on their own for dinner and went to bed at 8:30.

Managed to pack up 4 bathrooms, all books and toys, the desk.

Dad is a pack rat when I hint we should not bring everything but throw out stuff or give to goodwill he can't part with anything.  Rolling Eyes 

Rather than pack the house, he emptied the storage bins this weekend. That is the stuff I previously packed and not needed.  Evil or Very Mad  I do not know whether he is just avoiding packing so I do it or lazy or both.

Got the kids beach bags and bathing suits for Easter. As they can't have candy, I bought them things they need. Got great deals and spent less than 20 a kid.
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Number of posts : 82848
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 8:23 am

HA!  The windchill when I put the kids on the bus was THIRTEEN!!! 13!!  It is a whole 19 now!!  It is freaking freezing here!!!!!!

No way I could spent $20 per kid since I have 13 to buy for!!  They are all getting candy! Laughing   

It sounds to be like that dad takes advantage of you big time!  I am sorry but that is how I see it  Evil or Very Mad   You go way beyond nanny duties and hours IMHO!   I know you do it all for the kids, but seriously shame on him.  You deserve bonuses let me tell ya!!

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Number of posts : 21954
Age : 64
Registration date : 2013-04-08

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 8:48 am

FC, that is what Terry says as well. He gets mad at me. But hell they have to be out by Friday.

Not a thing got packed over the weekend.

Zip Nadda.

I doubt I can do as much today.

I am just pooped. I know not when to slow down. I push myself to exhaustion.
My mind just doesn't get that my body is not 20 something anymore.
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Number of posts : 42422
Location : Ontario, Canada
Registration date : 2009-06-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 9:04 am

Hathor, I thought they were just renovating?  Are they moving out while that is done?
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Number of posts : 21954
Age : 64
Registration date : 2013-04-08

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 9:18 am

No they are moving to a new house. A huge 5 bedroom, 3 story house near the lake.

It has 4 bathrooms (3 full and 1 1/2).

Walk in closets in every bedroom.

A kitchen, living room, family room and dining room.

Finished basement for the pool table.

walking distance to the lake.

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Number of posts : 82848
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 9:59 am

If you look up Nanny duties you will see that much of what you do falls under the duties of "housekeeper".    Now if you agreed to be housekeeper that is one thing.  If you signed on for Nanny it is another.  And from the type of house you are describing it sounds to me like he can afford a housekeeper AND a nanny.  He should have hired movers to do all this packing!  No offense, but as you say you are not a kid anymore and that is a freaking TON of work to DUMP on a women in her middle 50s!  And to do NO packing at all over the weekend?????  Sorry, I know you love the kids but I would be looking for different employment unless the man was paying me a fortune!  I hope your greeting card business takes off and you can stop killing yourself for this family!  Not the kids fault at all, but he is being unreasonable! Lugging firewood, freezing your butt off, breaking your back for 12 hours a day!!   Evil or Very Mad

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Number of posts : 6397
Location : Old Bridge, New Jersey
Registration date : 2009-05-27

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 3:32 pm

We had to pay Uncle Sam $6,000  Shocked   Shocked 
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Number of posts : 82848
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 3:47 pm

OMG AIH!!!!!!  How come??  Aren't you mostly on SS and/or disability?  Do you have lots of dividends or pensions coming in?? Could you claim Brad at all now that he is living with you?  

We had to send $504 to the state and $1,600 to the Federal.  Sucks!  But $6,000??!!!  DANG!!!!!!!!

Got my new COACH bag and it is beautiful so that is something!

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Number of posts : 6397
Location : Old Bridge, New Jersey
Registration date : 2009-05-27

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 3:58 pm

FC- I am not on disability as I was 1/4 short on calculating it. 1/4! !!!!! Louis and I do collect social security. We cannot claim Bradley as a dependent, our accountant said, because his income was too much(That is a joke. He does not earn alot at all and needs alot of our help) Here I agree with you about the government. Not allowing us to at least take him as a dependent. Louis has a small pension. and some dividends. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer  Razz 
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Number of posts : 82848
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 4:06 pm

I don't understand what that means "a 1/4 short on calculating it"?

What the government considers "making too much"  to qualify things is a JOKE!!!!  HATE the government!!!!!

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Number of posts : 13421
Age : 65
Location : Western Canada
Registration date : 2013-04-24

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 4:09 pm

That is insane AIH.

Hathor you are doing to much work for the pay you are getting. I hope the greeting cards take off. It would do really well at tourist shops for people wanting seascape's. There is a line here with local scenes that is very popular in shops that get a lot of out of towners. Lot's of local scenes of Legislature, horse drawn trolly, wales etc.

Still windy here today but not rain YET.
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Number of posts : 6397
Location : Old Bridge, New Jersey
Registration date : 2009-05-27

SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 Empty
PostSubject: Re: SAY HELLO!!   SAY HELLO!! - Page 35 EmptyTue Apr 15, 2014 4:14 pm

FC- I needed another 1/4 of work to qualify for disability.
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