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Number of posts : 83052
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat May 12, 2012 7:39 am

I don't know......I sure loved it! But I love shows about vamps and witches. I watched Charmed for all those years. I wish The CW would have given it another year. But I think the fact that it had TVD as a lead in (thinking it was the perfect show for a lead in) and it didn't hold the audience they figured it just wasn't going to get better. The ratings for the finale were not good at all so that probably was the final nail in the coffin. I feel so bad for the cast. They did a great job. Loved all the bummed for them as well as the fans. You get a show and have such high hopes to be a hit and have lots of success and then the boom is lowered on you. I adored Britt in "Life Unexpected" and The CW truly broke my heart when they canceled that wonderful show..... So she has lost two shows on the network.

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THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat May 12, 2012 8:05 am

I guess the smaller networks don't have as much leeway as the bigger ones. I really liked the show but I did find it rather haphazard at times. They would bring in characters, start a storyline then yank it for no reason (for example, the really cute guy with the girlfriend in a coma and his drug dealing pal, Daniel from the Y&R). I found some of the characters didn't connect well. This won't be popular but I never found Adam and Cassie believable together. I thought she had a connection with Jake but not Adam. Not like with VD where Elena has a connection with both Damon and Stephen. It's all a crap shoot.
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Number of posts : 83052
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat May 12, 2012 8:56 am

Even the major networks don't give shows much of a shot. Some are yanked after a couple weeks. Some after ONE week! It's crazy! The CW usually gives the shows the whole season.

I do see your points. I agree about the whole thing with that guy and coma girl. I did however enjoy Cassie and Adam together. I think Jake was better with Faye.

I guess a lot of it for me was I simply enjoyed the subject matter - witches and magic.

Agree that TVD is more compelling and the chemistry is amazing, but I still really enjoyed this show.

Britt was in a show I adored "Life Unexpected" and the wonderful actor who played her dad in that show was in "Ringer". Bummed that they both lost their shows again...

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Number of posts : 17592
Age : 53
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THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat May 12, 2012 4:11 pm

canear wrote:
I guess the smaller networks don't have as much leeway as the bigger ones. I really liked the show but I did find it rather haphazard at times. They would bring in characters, start a storyline then yank it for no reason (for example, the really cute guy with the girlfriend in a coma and his drug dealing pal, Daniel from the Y&R). I found some of the characters didn't connect well. This won't be popular but I never found Adam and Cassie believable together. I thought she had a connection with Jake but not Adam. Not like with VD where Elena has a connection with both Damon and Stephen. It's all a crap shoot.

See I disagree I saw the connection with Adam and Cassie from the very first show with them meeting together. I didn't like Jake with Cassie but I love him with Faye. That last episode he was fighting so hard to go save her warmed my heart cause it showed he did care about her. What I am most ticked about with the canceling is there is so many unanswered questions. Like for one thing. How is it after Adam touches the skull at the very end and gets that creepy smile on his face that the marks show up on Cassie's and Diana's hands? It is like somehow part of Jon went into Adam when Jon threw him across the room when he is trying to help the girls. Also if they were going to freaking cancel the show then why show the 4 brother and sisters at the very end like they were making it a cliff hanger.

I pray they reconsider canceling it and if they do cancel it I pray they make a two hour special to kind of brings things together a little better so the fans are not left hanging and so freaking confused.

Shannon praying shannonangel
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Number of posts : 83052
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
Registration date : 2008-08-09

THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat May 12, 2012 5:03 pm

These types of show always end with cliffhangers as they assume they will be renewed. That is why I wish they decided before the season finales are filmed. Chloe King ended with major cliffhangers.

I did watch the season finale. It was very good. I actually assumed Adam liked the feel of the evil magic. But your version sounds spot on!

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Number of posts : 39932
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THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySun May 13, 2012 12:48 am

It's like Chloe King from last summer all freaking over again. No

DAMN YOU CW!!!!!!!!!
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Number of posts : 17592
Age : 53
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Registration date : 2009-06-09

THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptyFri Aug 03, 2012 10:21 pm

I just read that The Secret Circle won't even be coming out on dvd Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad I am just so bummed about all this. They get fans for the show and then cancel it on us and then make it worse by not putting it out on DVD.

Shannon praying shannonangel
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Number of posts : 39932
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Location : Los Angeles
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THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptyFri Aug 03, 2012 10:27 pm

WHAT??? WHY???

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Number of posts : 17592
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THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptyFri Aug 03, 2012 10:57 pm

teddyhugz wrote:
WHAT??? WHY???


There was no reason given. I am just so bummed out.

I guess I will have to buy the episodes off of Itunes.

Shannon praying shannonangel
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Number of posts : 39932
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THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat Aug 04, 2012 12:17 am

It just doesn't make any dang sense. Grrr.
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Number of posts : 83052
Age : 69
Location : Land of Lincoln
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THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat Aug 04, 2012 5:57 am

Well, I never buy DVDs of shows so I wasn't even looking forward to one. I am guessing they base the decision on if they feel there is enough demand for it and they will make enough money from it.

I still do not get why this show was cancelled. Shows on The CW with lower ratings were not. I have a feeling TPTB just were disappointed it wasn't getting the same ratings as TVD and wanted to try something else for that time slot.

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Number of posts : 39932
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Location : Los Angeles
Registration date : 2009-05-31

THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat Aug 04, 2012 8:33 pm

I can see that being part of the studios reasoning for not not releasing it. However, there have been several shows that only ever had one season and yet they were released on DVD. Heck I'm sure many of them in that category had just as low of a following if not lower. No matter what I think it sucks and that they're wrong for not putting it out on DVD.
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Number of posts : 17592
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THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat Aug 04, 2012 8:50 pm

teddyhugz wrote:
I can see that being part of the studios reasoning for not not releasing it. However, there have been several shows that only ever had one season and yet they were released on DVD. Heck I'm sure many of them in that category had just as low of a following if not lower. No matter what I think it sucks and that they're wrong for not putting it out on DVD.

There are shows that didn't even get a full season that got put on DVD. Secret Circle had enough of a following that the first season dvd would sell. I am just so frustrated over all this that has to with this show.

ETA: Remember Moonlight that only got the season they made the show into DVD's and I am so happy about that cause I have the season and watch it often. I love having series that I like on DVD. I have the original Beverly 90210 series on DVD i have up till season 7. I didn't want to get the seasons after Brandon cheated on Kelly,(not sure if it was season 8 or 9). I felt they screwed up the show by having brandon a fan favorite do that. Also I have all the Silk Stalkings seasons, Buffy the Vampire seasons and Angel seasons on DVD as well as the first two seasons of Glee and will be getting the new season.

Shannon praying shannonangel
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Number of posts : 39932
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THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat Aug 04, 2012 8:55 pm

Do they still make the DVD's for Moonlight? I've always meant to look into that.
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Number of posts : 17592
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THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat Aug 04, 2012 9:03 pm

teddyhugz wrote:
Do they still make the DVD's for Moonlight? I've always meant to look into that.

I would think you could still buy them check out Amazon or even Ebay for that matter.

Shannon praying shannonangel
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Number of posts : 39932
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THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: THE SECRET CIRCLE!   THE SECRET CIRCLE! - Page 12 EmptySat Aug 04, 2012 9:19 pm

Will do. Thanks Angel!

As for other TV Series on DVD as you know I have Glee and then I have the first two seasons of Buffy. That's it.
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