That was really great. Thank you so much for that Sky. He looked gorgeous last Friday at Hotel Cafe. Didn't make it over to say "hello" to him, but hopefully next time!
Number of posts : 39932 Age : 40 Location : Los Angeles Registration date : 2009-05-31
I am too FC. There are really are so many wonderful ones out there. Just a couple nights ago I watched one by AJ McLean of the Backstreet Boys. I also watched one by Jewel. They're all really great. I'm looking forward to seeing the one Adam does for this.
Firecracker Admin
Number of posts : 83052 Age : 69 Location : Land of Lincoln Registration date : 2008-08-09
Subject: Re: Interesting News Items Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:47 am
I saw AJ's and Jewel's too! I always had a soft spot for AJ.
Number of posts : 39932 Age : 40 Location : Los Angeles Registration date : 2009-05-31
Subject: Re: Interesting News Items Sat Oct 16, 2010 4:47 pm
Yep. I've always had a soft spot for him too.
Number of posts : 39932 Age : 40 Location : Los Angeles Registration date : 2009-05-31
Number of posts : 39932 Age : 40 Location : Los Angeles Registration date : 2009-05-31
Subject: Re: Interesting News Items Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:18 am
What a beautiful "It Gets Better" montage. I'm sure everyone has seen most of the videos in this that are used but it was put together really nicely. And the song in the background is "You are Loved" by Josh Groban. It's absolutely perfect.
Number of posts : 17592 Age : 53 Location : California Registration date : 2009-06-09
Subject: Re: Interesting News Items Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:30 pm
I posted these in another thread but Teddy says you guys have been posting videos about this topic in here so I am bringing these over:
*********** I was just checking things on Adam forum on Idol Forums and found this video. The song is called "It Gets Better" The song is sung by many young Broadway Artist. It is very touching and I love it. The song will be put on Itunes and all the proceeds will go to the Trevor project. I will buying it for sure.
ETA: I also had posted Todderick Hall's video on the other thread and would of brought it over but was tols that one is already here.
ETA: If you have Itunes go by Toddericks song and the Broadway singers one. They are really good and the Broadway one is raising money for the Trevor Fund!
Number of posts : 39932 Age : 40 Location : Los Angeles Registration date : 2009-05-31
Subject: Re: Interesting News Items Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:54 pm
OOPS I thought one of us had posted that one from Toddrick here. I guess not. I know I saw it here somewhere.............sorry Angel! But we have been posting a lot about this topic in here. If you look on the last page there's a video from Ferras.
Number of posts : 17592 Age : 53 Location : California Registration date : 2009-06-09
Subject: Re: Interesting News Items Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:56 pm
teddyhugz wrote:
OOPS I thought one of us had posted that one from Toddrick here. I guess not. I know I saw it here somewhere.............sorry Angel! But we have been posting a lot about this topic in here. If you look on the last page there's a video from Ferras.
I will check out the one from Ferras.
I will also go bring over the one from Todrick!
******* Here is my post from the other thread:
Remember Todrick Hall from AI? Well he wanted to do his part for the It Gets Better Campaine,(sp?), Check out this video. I love this song and will go see if I can buy it on Itunes. Todrick sounds amazing on this. I love how they put many little clips of many of the people who have done the PSA's for It Gets Better are in this. I wish Adams was in there but maybe his was made to late to get a bit from it. I love that AJ Mclean from BSB did one of these psa's. FC did you know Neil Patrick Harris had did one?
Here is AJ Mclean's awesome PSA. I love AJ he speaks his mind for sure. Yes he cusses but this is one time I think it fits with what is going on. AJ is so awesome for saying if people need someone they can email him. I am glad he gave the hotline number also.
Number of posts : 83052 Age : 69 Location : Land of Lincoln Registration date : 2008-08-09
Subject: Re: Interesting News Items Sun Oct 24, 2010 6:43 am
What is going on this country is scary as hell!! Just another article on what is happening here. This is all just horrible! I mean now my husband's company is owned by India!!! This administration has GOT TO GO before there is no hope for us! I cannot believe what they have done and are doing to us! I am just mad as hell!
This comment sums it up perfect I think! (not that he should call people stupid part)
Quote :
Every Day, more EVIL BANKS are shut down. More FORECLOSURES. More BANKRUPTCIES. More UNEMPLOYMENT. More people on FOOD STAMPS than EVER. And yet, we have close races in this Election. How can that be? You would have to be as STUPID as Joe Biden, to vote for a Democrat. They have controlled BOTH HOUSES of Congress for 4 YEARS. They have controlled BOTH HOUSES of Congress AND the WHITE HOUSE, for the last 2 YEARS. They want to implement every Socialist, Cradle to the Grave Program, that EUROPE is now RUNNING AWAY FROM, as fast as they can. They WILL NOT close our Borders. They WILL NOT enforce the Laws on the books, that get in their way. (Immigration - Black Panthers) They Disrespect our ALLIES, and EMBRACE OUR ENEMIES. They are putting us in a DEBT HOLE, that is completely UNSUSTAINABLE. The WAR is still going on. GUANTANOMO BAY is still open. RENDITION is still going on. The PATRIOT ACT is still in place. And the so called WIRETAPPING, has increased a thousand fold.